awards and recognition

the Reef Ball
is an internationally copyrighted
work of Art.
Environment & Energy Category
Referred to by Reuters as "the Nobel Prize for Sustainability,” the Katerva Awards are the pinnacle of global sustainability recognition. Through them the best ideas on the planet are identified, refined and accelerated toward impact at a global level.
The Katerva Award identifies ideas and companies demonstrating innovation scaled for both business opportunities and global good - Ideas making dents in conventional ways of thinking to defy and fight for global change. These ideas have to survive a rigorous review process involving 600+ professionals, 4 filtering phases, and 2 stages of focused review in order to be called the best, most promising on the planet.
The World Technology Awards
are awarded by the World Technology Network: A curated membership community comprised of the world's most innovative individuals and organizations in science, technology, and related fields – those creating the 21st century – who are focused on exploring what is imminent, possible, and important in and around emerging technologies.
2016 Energy Globe Award
United States
The International Energy Globe Awards
("Nature's Nobel Prize")
are awarded by the Energy Globe Foundation to recognize projects that “make careful and economical use of resources and employ alternative energy sources.”
The goal of the Awards is to create awareness concerning solutions to environmental problems and demonstrate that each of us can make a positive contribution.
2012 Environmental Protection Prize Winner
The CLASSY Awards is the largest social impact awards ceremony in the United States, highlighting the greatest champions of social progress. Once a year top leaders from the social sector convene in San Diego to connect in an environment that drives collaboration around solving social problems.
Accepted in memory of
Dr. Lee Harris andTom Maher.

Marino Ballena
National Park
Costa Rica
Special Presentation Award
The National System of Conservation Areas leads the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources, through participatory and equitable management, contributing to sustainable development in Costa Rica.
My Hero
My Science Hero Award
The mission of The MY HERO Project is to use media, art and technology to celebrate the best of humanity one story at a time.
MY HERO provides millions of people of all ages with stories of hope and inspiration.
Recognition in the Press*
Friends of the Georgia Museum of Natural History
May 11, 2020
Article on the Reef Ball Foundation's origins and ties to Athens, Georgia
At the very least, our many projects bring to the light the importance of our oceans and why they are worth protecting and restoring. Our mission has been furthered through the extensive press coverage Reef Ball has received on CNN, ENN, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Weekly Reader, Popular Science, The Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, Wired, Scientific American, The Economist and various diving publications and in numerous newspapers throughout the world.
Our featured article from Forbes Magazine, Mexico - March April 2021:
Un empresario guatemalteco construirá un cementerio marino en Campeche
El empresario Andrés Aguilar Heck invierte un millón 500 mil pesos en la construcción de un cementerio marino.
* See more press coverage HERE
Patents and Copyrights
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