We have investigated 2 submerged breakwater projects for Mar Del Plata but none have been built yet. World Mapping System Information on Argentina
- azulpro.com.ar (Project considering breakwater with Reef Balls Jan/2006)
“Sebastian Esteve” <sebaesteve@hotmail.com> (US Client Contact)
Alejandro aleorfei@hotmail.com (Argentina Contact) - La Falda, Argentina (Reef Ball has a guest house here)
- 1 Potential Authorized Contractor in B.A. (Proposal for Beach Protection in Mar Del Plata)
-Research by RBDG reveled tide range is high in Mar Del Plata will make effective submerged breakwaters more costly or with a need for exposure during low tides.
-Ing. Alejandro Papeo
Constructora Papeo
tel/fax 54-223-481 9145
mov. 54-223-5 274 777
Mar del Plata
optodata@statics.com.ar - 1 Scientist interested in working with Reef Balls for fishery enhancement.
Departamento de Ciencias Marinas
Casilla de Correo 43
7600 Mar del Plata
ARGENTINAlocal phone: 0223 495-1285
int. phone: +54 223 495-1285
Fax: +54 223 491-9000
e-mail: cetacea@cpsarg.com
e-mail 2: rbastida@mdp.edu.ar